Useful Contacts

Your customer relations team

Taylor Wimpey Central London
+44 (0)20 7355 8134

Ground Floor East Wing, BT Brentwood
1 London Road
CM14 4QP
Email Us
View Website

Please note our office hours are 08.30 to 17.30 Monday to Thursday and 08.30 – 15:30 Friday.

Out of hours emergencies

Nationwide Property Assistance (NPA)
+44 (0)345 609 158

Opening hours: 17:30 – 08:30 Monday to Thursday, 15:30 onwards Friday, Weekends and Bank Holidays

You will be required to provide NPA with your full postal address. If NPA regard the item as a non-emergency, they will refer this back to working hours reports through TWCL.


+44 (0) 7999031303

Managing Agent

FirstPort Group Limited

+44 (0)799 911 8347


Apartment Services

Utility Cupboard 

Your stopcock, meters and mechanical/ electrical installations as listed below are in your utility cupboard within your apartment. For your own safety, please do not tamper with the equipment. All equipment has been labelled for your safety and convenience. 

  • Water Stopcock
  • Electricity Meter
  • Electricity Consumer Board
  • Heat Interface Unit (HIU) and Heat Meter
  • Cooling Interface Unit (CIU) and Meter
  • Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery Unit (MVHR)  
  • Underfloor Heating Manifold
  • Telephone and Internet Cabling
  • Under Floor Heating and Cooling Main controller panel.

Media Services 

TV Power Sockets

There are television points installed in most of the rooms in your new home, and these have been wired ready for connection to a satellite television provider.

Should you wish to hang your TV on the wall, please note there is a pattress located 1m from the floor and 1200mm x 1200mm wide above each television point.

To arrange a connection and subscription to a package, please call your chosen supplier.

TV License 

In order to watch television legally in the UK, you will need to purchase a Television License.

Please note that your Television License does not automatically move with you, and it is important to notify TV Licensing so they can transfer your license to your new address.

To register for TV License or to transfer your license to your new address please visit or call 0300 790 6165

Telephone and Broadband

Your home has wiring for a master telephone socket in the services/utility cupboard in your apartment and extensions in the living area and bedroom(s).

Your broadband and telephone are provided via OFNL ONT unit located within your utility cupboard.

To get connected visit or call 02921 678 550. You will then be able to set up an account with a network provider of your choice.

Open Fibre Network

+44 (0)29 2167 8550

Service Location finder

Water meter

Within the mains water riser located off the communal corridor, on the same level as your apartment.

Internal water main stopcock

Located within the utility cupboard inside your apartment.

Electricity meter

Located within the utility cupboard inside your apartment.

Electric consumer unit

Located within the utility cupboard inside your apartment.

Underfloor heating manifold

Located within the utility cupboard inside your apartment.

Mechanical ventilation system

Located within the utility cupboard inside your apartment.

Open Fibre Networks GTU

Located within the utility cupboard inside your apartment.